
Product update: AdMob integration, HyperBid start, raw export and GameIntel 4.0

We are nearing the end of the year, and what a year it has been. We’ll be posting a recap blog soon, but there is still a lot to do and let you know before we chat about 2022.

We recently received some important updates for all of our product lines. Here are the highlights:

So, without wasting any more time on the intros, let’s dive into the main course.

What’s new in GameAnalytics?

We created an integration with AdMob

We have teamed up with Google’s AdMob to bring you sales data at impression level (ILRD) from their network directly into your GameAnalytics tool. Everything to help you analyze all of your game’s data in one place, including insights into your advertising revenue. Read our integration guides to learn how to get started:

During the course of 2021 we worked hard to find new partners for your ad data. So far we have welcomed Aequus, Applovin MAX, Fyber and ironSource, and many more will follow. And if we want to integrate a different ad network next, let us know here.

We have started a new mediation platform

That’s all we’ve talked about for the last week. We helped launch HyperBid, a brand new mobile game brokerage platform. It’s currently in Open Beta and you can get a sign up bonus to start your campaigns (instead of using your own capital).

As I said, we designed it specifically for games. With HyperBid you can:

  • Get the highest bid every time.
  • Unlock higher eCPMs.
  • A / B test your campaigns easily.
  • Segment your players.
  • And let them set you up quickly and easily (no fumbling around).

We covered this in much more detail in our announcement article. But here are a few words from Ahmet Genc, ​​HyperBid’s Business Director:

“Since this platform was developed by the experts at GameAnalytics, it is essentially based on analyzes. With the help of GameAnalytics, we laid the foundation for this platform and made its development future-proof – where we hope to really merge your product and monetization data. Our team has more than a decade of experience, so the crew knows exactly what types of features and functionality a game developer needs in their placement strategy.

“With HyperBid, we want to ensure that you are now building the best business out of your game and really getting the most out of your monetization potential.”

We have released our new Raw Export

Raw Export is the latest feature added to our Data Services family. This allows you to automatically export all raw event data from your games in JSON format and transfer it directly to your AWS S3 account. Which is better, there is hardly any manual intervention. And it packs all of your data into a compressed file that contains unchanged raw events with their properties and timestamps.

To give you an idea of ​​how it differs, here is a comparison chart with our other Data Services products:

Data export

We’ve covered this new feature in much more detail here. And we’ll be releasing many more updates on our data services soon. So keep an eye on this room.

And we’ve added new features to GameIntel

We were pretty calm on the GameIntel front. But for good reason. We added a number of new features and polished many edges in our marketing intelligence tool. In addition to a UI update, you can now:

  • Filter the charts by over 80 subgenres
  • Sort the ranks based on specific metrics
  • And unlock this (and more) in our new Starter Tier – just $ 99 a month.

GameIntel update

There’s a lot to explain in this update. But in short, it’s the next step in developing your one-stop market research tool for the mobile games industry. You can find all details about the latest version here. Or dive in and try it out for yourself.

What’s next

We have some big plans for 2022. It’s a little early to go into details. So be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date. We send monthly updates on our tools and other game development news. Until next time!

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