Last week we did that State of the open house and it contained a demo of genius.
Genie is an open, privacy-protecting virtual assistant from Stanford OVAL. During the impressive demo, they showed the latest skills. The demos run on a Baidu speaker with custom firmware and on a Pi Zero. Either way, it connects to the Genie server, which runs as the official Home Assistant add-on, to do its magic.
Genie is the successor to the Almond project. With the help of various grants and sponsors, Stanford is working to make Genie ready for general use.
If you want to learn more, check out the Genie website and the Getting started guide for do-it-yourself. To connect with other Genie users and their development team, visit theirs discord
or Community forums.
If you are using Genie at home don’t forget to share the love and share your demos and tutorials.