
Quick tip: Java stack implementation

Java supports the stack implementation and the associated functions. Below is a short snippet of Java code that shows how to implement a stack and its functions:

* / java.util. * import; public class UnderstandingStack {public static void main (String args[]) {UnderstandingStack UnderstandingStack = new UnderstandingStack (); UnderstandingStack.proceed (); } private void continue () {stack stack = new stack (); System.out.println (“stack.empty ():” + stack.empty ()); stack.push (“one”); System.out.println (“stack.empty ():” + stack.empty ()); String element = (String) stack.pop (); System.out.println (“stack.pop ():” + element); System.out.println (“stack.empty ():” + stack.empty ()); }} / *

When you run this Java code in your IDE or code editor, the following output is produced:

[[email protected]]# java UnderstandingStack stack.empty (): true stack.empty (): false stack.pop (): A stack.empty (): true

Read more tutorials on Java programming and development.

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