
Maestro Laparoscopy Assist Platform: Interview with Anne Osdoit, CEO of Moon Surgical

moon surgical (formerly MastOR), is a medtech startup based in France. The company has developed the Maestro laparoscopy assistance platform, a two-armed robotic surgical assistant capable of holding and manipulating standard laparoscopic instruments. The device is intended for bedside use, giving the surgeon more flexibility and control without the complexity and expense of some other surgical robots.

Medgadget spoke to Anne Osdoit, CEO in July 2020, At the time, the company had just announced that it had received significant funding to develop the technology. In the meantime, Moon Surgical has done just that, and the system now enjoys greater freedom of movement and improved software and controls.

Watch a video about the technology:


In this follow-up interview, Medgadget caught up with Anne to see how the technology is evolving.

Conn Hastings, Medgadget: Nice to talk to you again. Please refresh our memories and give us an overview of the Maestro surgical platform and how it works.

Anne Osdoit, Moon Surger: The Maestro platform is a robotized surgical assistant that provides the surgeon with two extra arms, offering a higher level of safety and reliability. It is placed next to the hospital bed opposite the surgeon and can be operated clearly and easily by the doctor. The platform works with any standard laparoscopic instrument thanks to our proprietary magnetic coupling technology.

Medgadget: Has the system changed a lot since we last talked?

Anne Osdoit: A lot has changed since our last conversation. The global architecture is still the same: there are two arms holding instruments. Since then, however, the arms have gained two degrees of freedom, and they are now mounted on a robotized, compact platform that is independent of the other and allows translations in the Z and Y axes. We’ve also significantly evolved and improved the controls and software to make the system as seamless and intuitive to use as possible for surgeons.

Medgadget: How much of the system will be automated/controlled by robotics and how much will be controlled by the surgeon? How do the robotic components complement the surgeon’s efforts?

Anne Osdoit: Our system is a co-manipulation robotic platform and provides the surgeon with stable retraction and camera holding. The surgeon always retains control of the arms and can position them as desired. The surgeon is simply assisted in holding the two additional instruments while operating with his own instruments.

Medgadget: Is the design ready? What are the next steps for the technology in terms of testing and clinical deployment?

Anne Osdoit: We achieved a design freeze for our first-in-human system in October 2021 and are currently beginning work on our first commercial product. In terms of clinical implementation, we conducted over 25 cadaver labs to assess usability with naïve surgeons and use their valuable feedback to improve our system. We plan to enter the clinic in spring 2022 as part of a clinical study.

Medgadget: Congratulations on your partnership to develop AI systems to improve surgical procedures with the Maestro. What role will AI play in the future of your technology and how can it help the surgeon?

Anne Osdoit: We are currently working on intraoperative camera tracking software that would allow the camera arm to automatically follow the instruments manipulated by the surgeon. Additionally, an embedded room-sensing camera (equivalent to a high-resolution “surveillance” camera) tracks the surgeon’s movements and the environment of the operating room to ultimately automatically position the arms in their optimal configuration before the procedure begins.

Medgadget: Do you have any other plans to expand the system or other surgical technologies in the pipeline? Where do you see the company in 10 years?

Anne Osdoit: We are planning further versions of the system with additional automation and more than two arms once our first commercial product is commercialized. In 10 years, we aim for Maestro to be an integral part of every operating room performing general surgery on multiple continents and Moon to be a major player in the medical device and robotics industry!

Shortcut: Home of Moon Surgery…

Flashback: A laparoscopy assistance platform to optimize minimally invasive surgery: Interview with Anne Osdoit, CEO of MastOR

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