
Top Online Courses to Learn Python

Learning Python is not an easy task, yet it is an incredibly rewarding one. As one of the most popular coding languages ​​used today, Python can be used for virtually every type of software application development imaginable, including mobile apps, desktop software, and video games – to name but a few. Since Python is only continuing to grow, learning it now will prove to be a great investment in your future as a programmer. In this article, we will lay out some general, beginner, and intermediate Python courses to help become a Python software developer and increase your Python coding skills.

The courses in this article are offered by a variety of different educational providers that vary in price. Some courses may be part of a larger certificate program. If you are looking for a place to start learning to program in Python, you can also check out our Python programming tutorials.

General Python Programming Courses

Learning any programming language can be overwhelming. Fortunately, Python is one of the easiest high-level programming languages ​​to learn, thanks to its English-like syntax and easy readability. If you have ever seen Python code before, then odds are you could tell what it was meant to do simply by looking at it. Finding the right Python course can be difficult, especially with several different courses to choose from. The courses in this article provide an all-in-one approach that keeps things simple, seamlessly bringing you from beginner to more advanced topics in short order.

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Complete Python Developer: Zero to Mastery

Complete Python Developer: Zero to Mastery from Udemy promises that Python developers will go from beginner to winner in this comprehensive course.

Python 3.10 – the latest version of Python – is covered in this course. In addition to Python basics, students will learn intermediate to advanced programming topics and concepts, such as functional programming, Object oriented programming (OOP), Machine Learning (ML)data science and data analysis with Python libraries, image processing, networking concepts, how to test and debug Python applications, and much more.

The Complete Python Course: Learn Python by Doing

The Complete Python Course | Learn Python by doing is another Udemy offering. This is a straightforward course that provides you with a strong foundation in Python.

The course professes to bring students from the foundations of Python programming – such as working with variables, strings, and mathematics – to more advanced features like OOP development, automated data extraction with Selenium, working with REST APIs, creating GUIs with Tkinter, and writing Full-fledged desktop software using professional-grade Pythonic code.

Python Courses for Beginners

When first getting to know Python, it is best to focus on learning the language or syntax versus higher-level programming topics like control statements, conditional statements, and decision making. Stay away from things like machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), and object-oriented programming until you have a good understanding of the fundamentals.

The courses below are a good place to start your Python programming path.

Crash Course on Python

Crash Course on Python is a Coursera class that is designed for those with no prior experience. It is a very introductory course to Python. Learning about the basic data types and structures Python offers, how to create basic objects, and introductions to Python structures like lists, dictionaries, and strings are the core elements of this course.

Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Programming

Udemy’s Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Programming is touted as an “easy-going” course made to utilize the basic functions of Python. What that means is that student developers will learn to create programs that feature pattern recognition (also known as RegEx or regular expressions), are able to scrape the web for information, and programmatically work with document types like spreadsheets, Word docs, and PDFs. Debugging tools and networking topics – such as sending out email notifications – will also be taught.

Python Basics for Data Science has a course called Python Basics for Data Science that teaches about the coding language itself and why it’s useful for data science and data analytics in particular. It also introduces developers to the popular pandas package, which is used for data analysis.

Programmers will learn how to program basic Python programs and why the language is of particular importance to the data scientist community and data science careers. Learning how to work with variables, conditional statements, functions, and files are the prime focus of this course. As stated, working with the pandas package is also part of the program.

Reading: Top Courses for Data Analysis

Python Programming Essentials

Rounding out the beginner Python courses highlighted in this article is Coursera’s Python Programming Essentials – a solid introduction to Python that focuses on writing Python scripts. Python topics include variables, expressions, functions, logic and Boolean logic, conditional statements, and other basic Python fundamentals. Modules are also covered, which let developers add functionality to their programs without having to write (and rewrite) commonly used functions in their software.

Intermediate Python Courses

Python can do a lot of things – so once you learn the basics, it is best to gear your studies towards the specific aspect of Python you are most interested in. Here are some targeted courses to get you started.

Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp<.h3>

Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp teaches coders how to use Python for data analytics and visualization. This course introduces you to the various programming packages Python uses to complete these tasks, getting you comfortable with all things data.

Attendees will learn how to use Spark for Big Data analysis, Matplotlib for plotting, Numpy for working with numerical data, SciKit-Learn for machine learning, Plotly for interactive visualizations, and a slew of other data science and machine learning principles.

The Complete Python Game Development Course

Finally, The Complete Python Game Development Course will take students into the world of Python game development. Yes, Python can even create games! This course teaches aspiring game developers how to make simple games from scratch. Not only is it a great way to further your Python skills, but it sheds some light on a highly complex and rewarding industry.

Conclusion to Python Development Courses Overview

There are so many ways to learn about all of the amazing things Python can do. In addition to these courses, there are a lot of great tutorials that are free on platforms like YouTube and of course here at These courses only serve as a starting point, so it is encouraged you go out there and look for more resources yourself!

read more Python programming tutorials and Python developer tool reviews.

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