
Orbiform Mini rolls like a ball without being a sphere

The from engineers AltDynamic have returned once again to Kickstarter to launch their 16th campaign for the unique Orbiform Mini. Machined from a range of different metals including titanium, Copper other Steel the mathematical shape rolls smoothly like a ball without being a sphere. Early bird pledges are now available for the unique project from roughly $19 or £17 (depending on current exchange rates).

Copper: Classic Weight: 6.31 oz, 178 g, Mini Weight: 1.66 oz, 47 g
Stainless Steel: Classic Weight: 5.6 oz, 158 g, Mini Weight: 1.45 oz, 41 g
Titanium: Classic Weight: 3.2 oz, 90 g, Mini Weight: .85 oz, 24 g


“An Orbiform is a shape whereby its closed curves result in a constant width. A 2D Orbiform and circle can both be rotated between two parallel, fixed-distance lines and remain tangent to both lines at every orientation, as shown in the diagram below. Interestingly, the perimeter length of a circle and orbiform can both be calculated with the equation pi*D=circumference.

An Orbiform is a shape whereby its closed curves result in a constant width. A 2D Orbiform and circle can both be rotated between two parallel, fixed distance lines and remain tangent to both lines at every orientation, as shown in the diagram below. Interestingly, the perimeter length of a circle and orbiform can both be calculated with the equation pi*D=circumference.”

AltDynamic Orbiform

Assuming that the AltDynamic funding campaign successfully raises its required pledge goal and the project progresses smoothly, worldwide shipping is expected to take place sometime around October 2022. To learn more about the AltDynamic Orbiform Mini project checkout the promotional video below.

“A 3D Orbiform is an analog to the 2D case. It is rotated on its axis of symmetry to create a convex body of revolution. A 3D Orbiform can be placed inside of a cube in any orientation and simultaneously, tangentially touch all six faces just like a sphere of the same width. It is commonly thought that only a circle or sphere has constant width, but that is not the case. Leonardo da Vinci was unaware of the Orbiform’s constant width property, even while he used the shape in his own work. It would take another 257 years until the constant width property of Orbiforms was realized and mathematically proven by Leonhard Euler.”

“The form can roll like a sphere, even while having a point, on an edge and not being a smooth curve. The main difference, is the center of mass of an Orbiform is not central like a sphere, so it won’t continue rolling unless a force remains on it.”

For a complete list of all available pledge options, stretch goals, extra media and technical specifications for the Orbiform Mini, jump over to the official AltDynamic crowd funding campaign page by visiting the link below.

sources : kickstarters

Filed Under: Gadget News

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