
Wordle today: Answer and hints for December 28 (#557)

Trying to solve Wordle #557 on December 28, and need a helping hand? We have today’s Wordle answer right here. But before you rush in and start wasting guesses, consider checking out our tips on Wordle for some strategies (and starting words) that could help you find the solution in record time, and then come back here for the answer to the Wordle today if you had no luck.

How Wordle works

Wordle is a vocabulary game in which players get six tries to guess a five-letter word. Once you enter a guess, individual letters within the word you entered will appear in different colors. Each color has a different meaning.

  • Green: The letter entered is 100% correct — the right letter in the right space.
  • Yellow: The entered letter is in the correct word, but you’ve placed it in the wrong space.
  • Gray: The entered letter is not used in today’s Wordle answer, so it’s time to go back to the drawing board.

The goal is to guess the correct word in as few attempts as possible. If you don’t get the answer in six guesses, you lose.

Hints for today’s Wordle

  • Today’s Wordle starts with a vowel.
  • Today’s Wordle is a verb.
  • Today’s Wordle may be used in the context of urging someone to do something.

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What’s today’s Wordle Answer?

Are you still having trouble? No worries — you can’t get them all! If you just want to see today’s Wordle answer to continue your streak, you can find it below.

The answer to today’s Wordle is …


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